Meet Russell.
Russell is a business owner….but something was missing.
Russell has reviews on Google, Facebook, Yelp and even a page dedicated to reviews on his website…yet Russell’s business was just limping along.
Then, one day, Russell heard about Sticky Reviews!
Russell learned that reviews are only effective if they are seen by his potential customers.
Sticky Reviews are displayed on all pages of your website and display on desktops, laptops and even mobile devices – for all of Russell’s customers to see.
Below is an example of a Sticky Review and you’ll notice them rotating at the bottom all of our pages too!
Russell added Sticky Reviews to his website, uploaded his favorite reviews and in less than a minute he was on his way to growing his business – WITHOUT spending more money on ads or SEO.
Now Russell is a happy business owner!
Be like Russell.
Start your FREE 14 Day Trial today!
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