Meet Russell.
Russell has been a local business owner for over 5 years.
Russell loves referrals.
In fact, over 50% of Russell’s business comes from offline referrals…
….but, the sales he was supposed to get from his website just weren’t coming in…
As you can imagine, this frustrated Russell…
Then one day, Russell heard about Sticky Reviews.
….with Sticky Reviews, Russell can take his favorite customer reviews from the last 5+ years and display them on all pages of his website…in less than a minute.
When potential customers visit his website and see Sticky Reviews like the one below they’re up to 200% more likely to use Russell’s services.
Now, Russell gets referrals both offline and online, thanks to Sticky Reviews!
Russell is a happy business owner.
Be like Russell…
Start your FREE 14 Day Trial so you can get more referrals too!
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